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Tag: v e schwab

February Book Haul | 2020

February Book Haul | 2020

Welcome back to another book haul! I really am trying to curb my spending when it comes to books as I really want to read all of the books that I have on my shelves already. HOWEVER, when you see a good bargain, I don’t think anyone can help themselves, right? I got most of these from my local charity bookshop, so I don’t feel so bad about buying more books than I wanted to.

I’ve included the synopsis for all of the books that I’ve hauled this month, including sequels, so if you’re not one for reading the blurbs (especially for sequels), then at least you can enjoy the pictures!

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The ABC Book Challenge: ‘A’

The ABC Book Challenge: ‘A’

I’ve been seeing this book challenge on loads of different blogs, but I’ve just never gotten around to starting it. But here we are! Finally!

The rules are simple. Each week you pick your most memorable reads and books from your TBR that start with that weeks letter. I can’t seem to find where this book tag originated from, so if anyone has any idea, just let me know.

Anyway, let’s get on with the tag. This week, I’m going to be talking about the books that start with the letter ‘A’.

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February Wrap Up | 2019

February Wrap Up | 2019

Hey, guys and welcome to my February wrap up! I only read 8 books this month. I say only because a few of those aren’t proper novels. One is a graphic novel, the other is a poetry book, and then 3 are children’s books. I’m hoping to really tackle my humungous TBR over the next couple of months so fingers crossed I actually manage to get to some of the novels that have been sat on my shelf for a while.

Anyway, let’s get on with the wrap-up!

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March Releases I’m Excited For | 2019

March Releases I’m Excited For | 2019

Hello, there! Welcome to another post where I share all of the monthly releases that I’m excited for. As usual, I’ve split this post into two sections: the first one are the books that I’ve pre-ordered, and the the other section are other releases that I’m interested in but haven’t pre-ordered.

I can’t believe that it’s March already… It’s just crazy how fast this year is going.

Disclaimer: all of the release dates shown here are taken from

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Books I Didn’t Get to in 2018

Books I Didn’t Get to in 2018

You know the feeling: you get really excited at the beginning of the year because of all of the amazing releases that are going to be coming out, and then it gets to July and you realise you’ve hardly read any of the new releases. Then, it gets to December and you’re like… shit.

Some of these books are even books that were released in 2018, but I genuinely wanted to get around to them. And these aren’t even all of them. I still haven’t gotten around to reading Illuminae… or the Grisha trilogy… Please don’t hurt me… I know that I’m missing out on so much.

Anyway, here are the 20 books that I really wish that I’d read in 2018… But didn’t.

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