The Joy of Christmas |Book Tag

The Joy of Christmas |Book Tag

Whilst perusing some brilliant book blogger websites, I cam across this Christmas book tag by Elli @ AceReader . 

I was in such a festive mood, that I knew I had to do it!


The Christmas excitement is real. What book release are you most anticipating?


There are so many! 2020 is going to be amazing for book releases, but I think that the one that I’m most excited for is The Notorious Virtues by Alwyn Hamilton. I am such a massive fan of her writing style, her world-building and her characters, so I’m excited to read something new by her.


Christmas Songs & Carols: What book or author can you not help but sing it’s praises.

Honestly, these books are absolutely amazing. Imagine all of the sci-fi/horror classic books that you’ve read mixed into one. Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstein, Dracula, Van Helsing, Moreau… Except all the characters are women that have suffered at the hands of them all. These women come together and save people. IT’S BRILLIANT. THEY’RE ALL BRILLIANT!


Gingerbread Houses: What book or series has wonderful world building?

The ADSOM trilogy… I absolutely love the world that Schwab has built, and I’m so excited to read the next instalments in the series.


A Christmas Carol: Favourite classic or one that you want to read.



Jane eyre. Hands down.


Christmas Sweets: What book would you love to receive for Christmas


I have about 20 on my Wishlist but the one that I want the most is The Gentleman’s Guide to Getting Lucky


Candles in the Window: What book gives you that warm fuzzy feeling?

I don’t actually know… I feel like I can’t answer this question.


Christmas Tree & Decorations: What are some of your favourite book covers?



Christmas Joy: What are some of your favourite things about Christmas? What are your favourite Christmas memories?

  • Definitely getting the Christmas tree. It’s one of my favourite things to do.
  • Having sausage sandwiches on Christmas morning
  • Going for a walk on the night and enjoying the crisp air
  • Seeing all of my friends over the Christmas break


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