October Wrap Up | 2018

October Wrap Up | 2018

Hey, guys and welcome to my October wrap up! I tried to read as many books this month as I did last month, and I completely failed. I think I read about 9 or 10 books last month? And then this month, I read 5. I don’t know what’s been the matter with me, I’ve just been taking a very long time to finish one book.

Anyway, let’s get on with the wrap-up!

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Reign of Mist by Helen Scheuerer

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Hero at the Fall by Alwyn Hamilton

A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr.

Trapped in Room 217 by Thomas Kingsley Troupe

The Lantern’s Ember by Colleen Houck



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The Traitor’s Game by Jennifer A. Nielsen: I’ve been reading this book for quite some time now. I’m listening to it on audiobook and I’m about 45% of the way through it. From what I can remember about the part of the book that I’ve read (because I actually haven’t picked it up for a few weeks), I’m really enjoying it. I really don’t understand why I put this book down because I was enjoying it. I just had so much going on so I guess I just kind of forgot.


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Forensic Files (Netflix): So I’m currently on the second season of this and I absolutely love it. Each episode is 20 minutes long and every single one is captivating.

The Hate U Give: This is AN AMAZING FILM and everyone needs to go and watch it. I cried from the beginning to the very end. Even when there were happy moments in the film. This is probably one of the best films that I have ever seen. It’s definitely the best book to film adaptation that I’ve ever seen. 5/5


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Well, October has been quite a weird up and down month for me. At one point, I felt really depressed and the next I was elated. It confused me so much but hey… I just took my medication and deal with it.

There was also university… There’s a lot going on at university because I have to plan my dissertation, and there are also other assessments that have to be in pretty soon so it’s getting pretty stressful.


Until next time…

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