My First Impressions of the Huawei P20 Pro

My First Impressions of the Huawei P20 Pro

Last month, I bought the Huawei P20 Pro smartphone. I have bought Apple iPhones since the iPhone 3G was released in 2008, so suddenly changing to an Android system was actually quite scary because I didn’t know it. I didn’t know how reliable it was or if I was going to like the layout. I was quite lucky that my best friend has this exact phone, so I was somewhat similar to how the phone works.

I thought that I would write a very brief, bullet-pointed review of the phone and how I have found it over the past month.

Finally, I will include some more pictures, but I just thought that I would include a few screenshots first of what you can do, and then I can include proper pictures later.


After Two Days:

– Making the switch from iOS to Android was weird. The keyboard is different, the layout is different. Different icons. Works with Google which is strange for me because I’m so used to Apple.

– There’s a lot of different menus and little bits and bobs to look at. I spent about 4 hours just messing around with settings and downloading apps and stuff

– the charger is THE MOST WEIRD THING EVER.

– Because it hasn’t been on the market long, there aren’t a lot of brilliant cases to choose from. I wanted to get another Totoro one but I couldn’t find one anywhere so I had to get a plain one.

– It’s the cheapest smartphone out there that’s also in the top 5 in the world so that’s brilliant because I’m broke and can’t afford the newest iPhone.

– The camera is amazing but it seems to soften the picture a lot and clean/filter the image. I don’t want that… If I wanted that, I would just edit the picture afterwards.

– I’m annoyed that they don’t have the classic phone ringtone

– There’s just a lot to wrap my head around.

– You can customise the home screen with different themes, and the layout


After a Week:

– I have really small hands so I’m really glad that I’ve got a pop socket so it feels more secure when holding it

– When I set alarm, it tells me how many hours until my alarm goes off and it’s so depressing because it makes me realise how little sleep I get

– Tried to use Google pay and got confused and ending up making a fool out of myself at Starbucks. So for Google pay make sure your NFC is on otherwise it won’t work.


– Battery life is insanely good

– I have a feeling it’s going to take me a while to get used to.

– I always use the app ‘Phonto’ to edit my pictures for blog headers and YouTube thumbails, but you can’t use the same features on the Android version as you can on the Apple version.


After a Month:

– Really good phone, and I’m glad I was talked into buying it.

– The camera is good, but I’ve noticed that when you’re taking a picture in the dark, the camera will automatically change to portrait mode and then the photo will come out blurry.

– I’m annoyed that you can’t get certain apps from the Play store.

– You can use songs as your ringtone which is something that you can’t do with Apple, so I’ve put a different song for each member of my family. Which I know I’ll get bored of very soon.

– I still want the classic phone ringtone.


Overall, I AM glad that I got this phone, but there are a few things that I miss of the iPhone such as the extensive choice of apps on the App store, the classic ringtone… I’m actually really annoyed that you can’t use the full features of the Phonto app on the Huawei like you can on Apple. It means that I can’t create the blog/YouTube headers that I want.

BUT, the camera is really good (apart from it automatically cleaning the image and editing out wrinkles and stuff which I don’t like), it automatically updates apps which is helpful and it has a great high-definition screen, so when I’m watching Netflix on my phone, it’s really clear.

Until next time…

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