Book Unhaul | 2020

Book Unhaul | 2020

Every year, I always do a mass cleanout of books. I may get rid of 1, 10, 50, or in some cases, no books. I’m getting rid of these books because they’re either ones that I’ve already read (I’ll leave the link to the reviews down below), or they have been sat on my bookshelf for way too long, and I know that I’ll never get around to them.

Happy unhauling!



Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Geekerella by Ashley Poston

Broken Sky by L.A. Weatherly

Darkness Follows by L.A. Weatherly

Dangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick



An unhaul is much needed sometimes. I haven’t bought that many books this year, but I was definitely running out of room, and I know that someone out there will have these books and gain as much entertainment from them as I did!

Until next time…


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One thought on “Book Unhaul | 2020

  1. Unhauling books is always such a cathartic process. I unhauled about 50 books a couple of weeks ago and even though my shelves don’t exactly look tidier, I feel better knowing that the books I’ve parted with are going to resonate with someone else more than they did with me.

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