Writing Update #1

Writing Update #1

Hey! Welcome to a new series that I’m going to have on my blog.

For those of you who don’t know, I started my Masters in Creative Writing in September, and it’s made me challenge myself as a writer and it’s also given me the opportunity to write some pieces for assessments.

I had to write 2 pieces for my assessment:

  • a non-fiction piece
  • a fiction piece

I also have to write another piece of work for my final major project which has to be in next year, but I’ve already gotten a good idea of what I want to write.

For this of you interested, this is what my pieces are about:

  • My non-fiction piece is called The Tavern Wench and is a memoir about my time as a barmaid at my local pub and the harassment/sexism that I had to deal with. I loved writing this piece and even though the assessment word count was 9,000 words, I am definitely going to be continuing this project.




  • My fiction piece is a NA thriller. I took the idea of my dad having the affair last year, and decided to use it as my novel idea. The only thing that is the same to real-life is the affair. Nothing else. So, I’ve just kind of run with it, and murdery-stuff happens and relationships, and twists and turns.

For my final major project, I’m going to be writing a fantasy, which is completely different to anything that I have ever written, but I really want to challenge myself, and I think that this is the right way to do it.


I think – maybe – in my next writing update, I’ll include a few snippets for you so that you can read them and maybe give me some feedback? Maybe? I’ll see whether my anxiety can take it!

Anyway, that’s it for the update! I just thought that I’d share with you what I’ve been working on these past few months.


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